Against the Waves (2020)
Against the Waves is inspired by the real life story of Sonali Deraniyagala, a survivor of the 2004 tsunami that hit the west coast of Sri Lanka. The work not only depicts the story of how Deraniyagala lost her parents, husband, and two children to the deadly waves but also her emotional recovery and how one deals with grief after such a life altering event. This dance work is an exploration of how one doesn’t necessarily get past grief, but also how healing can only begin by confronting one’s memories, not ignoring them. Those who wish to learn more of Deraniyagala’s story are encouraged to read her debut memoir, “Wave.”
Sylvannah Regaldo
Caitlin Espinueva, Carson Hardee, Brittany Johnson
Kate Cox, Hunter Davis, Caroline Gerwig, Taylor Heckert, Genesis Lorjuste, Emma Lucas, Grace Lyon, Aaliyah Plotts, Katie Simon, Tara-Lynne Skinner
Music: AVA
World Premiere: University of Kentucky's Amplified Dance Concert (Mar 2020)
Runtime: 11:40
Project Gallery